Amazon 正式宣佈, Kindle 2 面向國際!現在身處香港的大家都可買到有保養的 kindle ,還可使用免費的 3G 網絡連線,享受跟美國客戶一樣的方便性。可惜我已經有 Sony Reader 了,若它是半年出的話我也可能買 Kindle 的啊!不過沒有中文電子書可買,比起 Sony Reader 沒什麼分別。
反而若推出 Kindle DX 的,我會考慮考慮,大 screen 看漫畫看 pdf 也不錯,可惜現在 DX 版還未向美國以外地方出貨 (不過確定了一定會出的,只是時間上的問題而已)。
Amazon 上的告示:
We are excited to now ship Kindle to Hong Kong. Customers in Hong Kong will enjoy:
Books in Under 60 Seconds: Think of a book and you could be reading it in under a minute Free Wireless: Free 3G wireless lets you download books right from your Kindle. No monthly fees, service plans, or hunting for Wi-Fi hotspots. For non-U.S. customers, there are also no additional charges for wireless delivery in or outside your home country. See Coverage Map. See Wireless Terms and Conditions Large Selection: Over 290,000 English-language books to choose from; plus U.S. and international newspapers and magazines Low Book Prices: New York Times® Best Sellers and New Releases are $11.99, unless marked otherwise. You'll also find many books for less - over 100,000 titles are priced under $5.99